Fishing Pontoon Boat (Marlin Monroe)

R1,200.00 / Prices start at P/P

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  • Opens at 9am
  • Departs every Four Hours
  • 4:00pm-8:00pm (Summertime)


Embark on an exhilarating fishing adventure aboard the Marlin Monroe pontoon boat, where you'll have the opportunity to reel in some extraordinary catches, including the coveted Steenbras, Grunters, Musselcrackers, and many more. Our website showcases the impressive catches from the bustling fishing environment, giving you a glimpse of the thrilling possibilities that await. Choose to embark on this fishing cruise solo or with friends and immerse yourself in the thrill of the hunt. At The Water Club, we're passionate about preserving the delicate balance of the aquatic ecosystem, which is why we promote a catch and release program. While on... See More